
Welcome on my blog,
I recently started a home automation project using the maximum of modular and cheap tools.

The idea here is to avoid the complete integrated solutions of well known manufacturers, main reason being that if the product is discontinued and there is no maintenance, if you have any issue later you might change many components, even the whole system.

That's the base idea, concerning the expected functionalities, the starting point is to control the lights and the shutters, we'll see later on what we can do but that's a first step.

Conerning the network and infrastructure, the idea is the following :

For the software part on the raspberry, OpenHab looks like a good solution, community is strong, there is quite alot of plugins and it's open source, another technology can be used but that won't change the architecture.

Putting a cluster help us guarantee the robustness of the system, if one of the rapsberrys fails the system is still running, here aswell raspberry is a choice but it could be replaced by any server, only constraint we must keep is to have a cluster of two nodes constantly running.
